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Welcome to the information portal of the European Expert Network on Terrorism Issues (EENeT)


The EENeT came about as a result of the international symposium on "Monitoring Terrorism/Extremism - Prospects for Phenomena Monitoring on European Level", initiated and held by the German Bundeskriminalamt (Federal Criminal Police Office) in Wiesbaden in June 2007. At the end, the majority of the participants recommended to continue sharing experience and knowledge within the framework of an informal network - the EENeT. Subsequently the Rules of Procedure were developed by means of a survey carried out amongst all the participants of that 'birth-giving' conference in 2007.

Objectives - Mission - Visions

The EENeT is dedicated to multidisciplinary and multi-agency analysis and research, which are considered prerequisites for providing comprehensive insights into the complexity of the phenomenon "terrorism". Since the phenomenon is influenced by a large number of factors, holistic phenomenon monitoring presents itself as an extremely complex undertaking, which only appears possible on a multidisciplinary basis, in close co-operation with the specialist departments and experts from the law enforcement agencies / relevant authorities and the field of science. It requires a consolidation of resources and an exchange of experience and knowledge, which, in view of the forms of international terrorism, should also be organised along international lines in particular. The EENeT will pursue the following objectives:

  • a multidisciplinary-oriented handling of terrorism issues in the sense of a holistic phenomenon monitoring from the perspective of scientific and law enforcement agencies / relevant authorities with particular focus being placed on the situation in Europe;
  • facilitating the development of stable international forms of co-operation between the various protagonists from the areas of science and law enforcement agencies / relevant authorities.

Thus the EENeT aims at

  • creating an independent European forum which facilitates networking between the authorities and disciplines relevant in this field of interest,
  • providing a kind of forum-based, constantly developing think-tank which is useful for taking a critical view of the respective professional positions, and
  • providing a network to look out for international partners and build up trustful relationships in order to perform international (research) projects and exchange experiences revolving around a highly dynamic social phenomenon.


The conferences and meetings held so far have shown that - due to the sensitive nature of terrorism - the aim of ensuring a trustful exchange and the establishment of stable co-operative relationships demand our utmost attention. For this reason, membership applications are only accepted if the interested person is professionally working in this field of interest for a European authority or a public college, university or established research institute in Europe.

The EENeT itself counts more than 170 members from over 20 European countries plus several international organisations within Europe.

Should you be interested, please, contact the Secretariat of the EENeT.


The EENeT is an independent, non-partisan consortium of terrorism experts. The EENeT is a purely informal network without any decision-making powers. Joint statements or assessments in connection with terrorism issues cannot be requested from the EENeT.

For further information, please contact EENeT Secretariat

