Bundeskriminalamt (BKA)

2007 Activation of the Anti-Terror Database by the Federal Minister of the Interior, Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble, and BKA President Jörg Ziercke

  • Date:2011.06.10

2007 Activation of the Anti-Terror Database by the Federal Minister of the Interior, Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble, and BKA President Jörg Ziercke

2007 Activation of the Anti-Terror Database by the Federal Minister of the Interior, Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble, and BKA President Jörg Ziercke 2007 Activation of the Anti-Terror Database by the Federal Minister of the Interior, Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble, and BKA President Jörg Ziercke 2007 Activation of the Anti-Terror Database by the Federal Minister of the Interior, Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble, and BKA President Jörg Ziercke Source: BMI-picture-alliance-dpa